Blogs are a great way to create content and promote yourself (and your community or industry), get people onto your website, and boost your Google ranking. One of the most daunting tasks is coming up with what the heck to write about? Well, here’s one solution. If you send out a regular email newsletter, then you can turn out several blog posts in just a quick hour. Here’s how:
Let’s look at one of my eNewsletters as an example (or consider these chamber email newsletters). I’m simply going to go through each item and bullet out possible blog posts:
From this email alone, I have at least 11 blog posts that I can crank out in an hour. I send out my eNewsletter twice a month, so the above list could make 22 posts a month!
- Member of the Month – write a post about their business or why they stand out from your other members. Or simply rework information on their website as a blog post (example).
- A chamber member’s promo – I don’t share all their content, but I really liked this one.
- Ribbon Cuttings – share event photos and details after each event for a feature the host will love.
- Misc. Chamber Announcements – share these everywhere as possible!
- Newly published chamber literature & materials.
- Chamber-sponsored events – You don’t even have to say you’re sponsoring it. I recommend a laid-back, ‘look at this awesome upcoming event‘ feel.
- Chamber-run events (this can include announcements, asking for sponsors, etc.)
- Newest Members (I do a monthly new member blog post, but you could do every week if you have a lot)
- Community News – this section in my email is pulled from stuff on my website, so I usually won’t repost it as a blog post.
- In Case You Missed It is basically a section in my emails that I use to share business articles that might interest my members. If you share articles that aren’t already on your website, you could do a short round-up with just 1-2 sentences on why your members or visitors should read it and the link to the article.

Recommended: Chamber Blog Category Ideas
But Remember: Quality > Quantity
This list is meant to help you get started & stay consistent. I highly recommend you still find more in-depth articles to write about your chamber or area, and using the above list as a quick filler so you can keep your blog active without spending an overwhelming amount of time on it.
With the exception of writing a post about a chamber member, most of these posts are short-lived. You still want some more timeless posts you can keep sharing over and over.
You also just want good content that will rank high on Google, and many of these probably won’t.