Social Media

Facebook Post: Match News to Your Mission

Here’s an example of a recent post that performed rather well on my chamber’s Facebook page.

"Some of the biggest issues they see are speeding in no wake zones, crowding boat landings and littering." via WBTW…

Posted by Little River Chamber on Tuesday, July 24, 2018


For some of you this might be chump change, but usually we’re lucky to see 3 shares. So why was this successful? It:

  • was a timely news story
  • tagged the original author
  • checked-in (or tag) the Facebook page it was about
  • used a quote that specifically tied back into a recent community project that our locals cared about


I knew this was important because or chamber recently had a success in assisting with a topic the article brought up – No Wake Zones. When I saw this news article, copy & pasted that relevant quote and used it as a lead that I knew would resonate with our community & members.


Excerpt from our website where we talk about the new No Wake Zone signage



  • tag other Facebook pages when appropriate
  • share outside news that’s relevant to your industry or community


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