Welcome to the chamber world, the industry where the sponsorships are made up and the wine calories don’t matter.

While you can learn a lot about the chamber industry by getting an accreditation (see below) or posting in Frank Kenny’s Facebook group, I’ve found that nowadays most people don’t get much training before we jump in. So naturally, I’m trying to build my own resource lists 😁
I recommend bookmarking this page so you can search for acronyms you come across if you don’t want to talk to a real person. (That’s not sarcasm – I’m just an introvert.) Also, if you’re looking for a specific, acronym, hit “Ctrl” and “F” on your computer keyboard. This allows you to search a webpage or document you’re on.
Chamber (& similar industry) Acronyms
- ACCE = Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
- Tip: Look for your state’s ACCE, ACP, or CEA
- ACP = Association of Chamber Professionals,
- Tip: Look for your state’s ACP, ACCE, or CEA
- AHLA = American Hotel & Lodging Association
- AHMA = American Hotel & Motel Association
- ASAE = American Society of Association Executives
- Amb. = Ambassador
- CVA = Convention & Visitors Association
- CVB = Convention & Visitors Bureau
- BBB = Better Business Bureau
- BIA = Business Information Centre
- BOD = Board of Directors
- BR&E = business retention and expansion
- CC, COC, C of C = Chamber of Commerce
- CCCE = Center for Chamber of Commerce Excellence
- CEA = Chamber Executives Association
- Tip: Look for your state’s CEA, ACCE, or ACP
- CCI = Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- CDC = Community Development Council (under CDI)
- CDI = Community Development Institute
- CID = Community Improvement District
- DMC = Destination Marketing Company
- DMO = Destination Marketing Organization
- ED = Economic Development or Executive Director
- EDO/EDA = Economic Development Office/Agency
- FAM = Familiarization Tour
- FDI = Foreign Direct Investment
- FEA = Festival & Events Association
- HOT = Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax
- HSMAI = Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International
- IACVB = International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus
- LTO = Local Tourism Organization
- M & IT = Meetings & Incentive Travel
- MEC = Members of the Executive Council
- Mem. = Member
- Mfg. = Manufacturing
- MOB = Members Only Benefit
- MOM = Member of the Month, sometimes
- MPI = Meeting Professionals International
- NG, NGO – Non-governmental, Non-governmental Organization
- NTA = National Tourism Association
- NTO = National Tourist Office
- R&D = Traditionally Research & Development, most chamber people lovingly mean Ripoff & Duplicate 😘
- RDMO = Regional Destination Marketing Organization
- SBA = US Small Business Administration
- SBC = Small Business Center
- SBDC = Small Business Development Center
- TIA = Travel Industry Association of America
- USCC, USCOC = United States Chamber of Commerce
- VCB = Visitor and Convention Bureau
- VIC = Visitor Information Centre
- VIP = Volunteers, Investors, & Partners (Robins Regional Chamber)
Accreditations for Chamber Executives
These are professional accreditations for people, not chamber accreditations. (If I missed any, please correct me in the comments.)
- CAE = Certified Association Executive, from The Center for Association Leadership
- CASE = Certified Association Sales Executive, from Professional Convention Management Association
- CCE = Certified Chamber Executive, from the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
- CEcD = Certified Economic Developer, from the International Economic Development Council
- CEM = Certified in Exhibition Management, from International Association of Exhibitions & Events
- CeMA = Certified eMarketing Associate, from eMarketing Association
- CMP = Certified Meeting Professional, from the Events Industry Council
- CSEP = Certified Special Events Professional, from International Live Events Association
- DES = Digital Event Strategist, from Virtual Edge Institute
- DMCP = Destination Meeting Certified Processional, from Association of Destination Management Executives International
- IOM = Institute of Organization Management, from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- PCED = Professional Community and Economic Developer, from the Community Development Institute

Popular Chamber Event & Program Acronyms
In case you’re going through your predecessors notes and trying to figure out what they’re talking about… (Have more abbreviations? Share in the comments at the end!)
- ACE = Awards for Chamber Excellence
- ABA’S = Annual Business Awards
- CC = Chamber Connects/Connections, Chamber Chat, Coffee & Connections
- CEA’s = Community Excellence Awards
- BAH = Business After Hours
- REACH = Relationships Established at Cocktail Hour
- HYPE = Helping Young Professionals Excel/Evolve
- Leadership CORE = Community Organizational Reciprocal Educational
- PAC = Political Action Committee
- RC = Ribbon Cutting
- SMARTies = Social Media Ambassadors and Resource Team (Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber)
- TCB = Taking Care of Business
- YP = Young Professionals
Common Business Titles To Know
- BKPR = Bookkeeper
- BD = Business Development
- CAO = Chief Accounting Officer
- CEO = Chief Executive Officer
- CFO = Chief Financial Officer
- CIO = Chief Information Officer
- CMO = Chief Marketing Officer
- COO = Chief Operating Officer
- CPA = Certified Public Accountant
- CSO = Chief Security Officer
- CSR = Customer Sales Representative
- CTO = Chief Technology Officer
- DOS = Director of Sales
- ED = Executive Director
- GC = General Counsel
- GM = General Manager
- GS, GSM = Guest Services, Guest Services Manager
- HR = Human Resources
- PM = Project Manager
- PCO = Professional Conference Organizer
- PR = Public Relations
- TIC = Tourism Information Councillor
- VA = Virtual Assistant
Financial Acronyms
- ACCT = Account
- ACR = Accrual
- ACV = Actual Cash Value
- AGI = Adjusted Gross Income
- AGR = Adjusted Gross Revenue
- AP = Accounts payable
- A/R = Accounts Receivable
- BS = Balance Sheet
- BGT = Budget
- CPTAL – Capital
- CR = Credit
- DR = Debit
- FIFO = First In, First Out
- GL = General Ledger
- GP = Gross Profit
- LC = Letter of Credit
- LIFO = Last In, First Out
- LWOP = Leave without pay
- MOM = Month over month
- MTD = Month-to-date
- NAV = Net Asset Value
- OC = Opportunity Cost
- P/E = Price-to-earnings ratio
- P&L = Profit and Loss
- PC = Percent
- P-card = Purchase card
- Pd = Paid
- PO = Purchase Order
- Re or RE = In reference to, Retained Earnings
- REVPAR = Revenue Per Available Room
- ROA = Return on Assets
- ROE = Return on Equity
- ROI = Return on Investment
- SRP = Special Rate Plan
- VP = Vice President
- WC = Working Capital
Other Acronyms That Might Come Up in the Office
Some of these might vary by industry or person, so just use your best judgement.
- a/b = About
- ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act
- AKA = Also known as
- AMS = Account Management System
- ASAP = As soon as possible
- ATTN = Attention (like who the letter is intended for)
- B2B = Business to business
- B2C = Business to consumer
- BCC = Blind Copied (please do this with mass emails)
- BTW = By the way
- CAVE people = Citizens Against Virtually Everything
- CC = Carbon Copy (most common), Creative Commons (relevant to copyright discussions), or Constant Contact (email marketing provider)
- CM = Chamber Master, possibly
- Co. = Company
- COB = Close of Business
- CoCT = Code of Conduct Training
- Comp. = Item/service given for free
- Corp. = Corporation
- CRM = Customer relationship management
- CSR = Corporate social responsibility
- CTA = Close to Arrival
- DM = Direct message, Direct mail
- EOD = End of Day
- EOM = End of Message
- EOT = End of thread
- EOW = End of Week
- ESP = Email service provider
- ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
- Ext. = Extension
- EXP = Export
- F/T, FTE = Full Time, Full Time Employee
- F/U = Follow Up (I promise)
- FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
- FOTU = Fear of the Unknown
- FOMO = Fear of Mission Out
- FWD = Forward
- FWIW = For what it’s worth
- FYI = For your information
- GA = Google Analytics
- GDP = Gross Domestic Product
- GMP = Good Manufacturing Practices
- GOAT = Greatest of all time
- Govt. = Government
- HCA = Handicap Accessible
- IAM = In a Meeting
- ICYMI = In case you missed it
- IM = Instant message
- IMO = In My Opinion
- Inc. = Incorporated
- IOW = In Other Words
- KISS = Keep it simple, stupid
- KPI = Key performance indicator
- LLC = Limited liability company (business structure)
- LMK = Let me know
- MMS – Membership Management Software (like Chamber Master)
- MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service (like texting a photo)
- MQL = Marketing Qualified Lead
- N/A = Not applicable, Not available
- N/S = No Show
- NR = News Release
- NRN = No Reply Necessary
- NSFW = Not safe for work
- OOO = Out of office
- OLT = Online training
- OJT = On the Job Training
- OT = Off topic
- OTP = On the phone
- PITA = Pain in the ….
- Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 – first quarter, second quarter, etc.
- RACI = Responsible, Accountable Consulted, & Informed
- Re. = In regards to
- Recd. = Recieved
- Rep. = Representative
- RFP = Request for proposal
- RPO = Recruitment Process Outsourcing
- RT = Retweet
- SM = Social media
- SMART (goals) = Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound
- SMB = Small to medium business
- SMS = Short Message Service (aka texting)
- SOB = Son of a…
- SQL = Sales Qualified Lead
- POC = Point of Contact
- P/T, PTE = Part Time, Part Time Employee
- P/U = Picked Up
- PR = Press Release
- Qty = Tantity
- RSVP = Répondez s’il Vous plait (French), aka please respond
- SM = Social Media
- SME = Subject matter expert
- SNS = Social network site
- SWEAT = Student Work Experience & Training
- SWOT Analysis. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- TBD = To Be Determined
- Temp = Temporary
- TIA = Thanks in Advance
- TL;DR, TLTR = Too long didn’t read, Too long to read
- TOS = Terms of Service
- TW = Twitter
- TYT = Take your time
- USP = Unique Selling Point
- W/ = with
- W/O = without
- WAH, WFH = Work at home, Work from home
- WIIFM = “What’s in it for me?”
- WOM = Word of Mouth
- YTD = Year to Date
Did I miss any? Let me know what you wish you knew about sooner!