Interested in submitting a guest post? Great!
I’m only one person, and you have experiences that I don’t. So help your fellow chamber pros out through a guest post.
If you work or volunteer for a chamber of commerce, you’re in! You can submit your article (or questions) to to share your knowledge or experience with your fellow chamber pros. Please include:
- Article attached or dropbox link/etc. (however is easiest for you)
- Any relevant images, videos, or examples you want included in the article
- Your photo & author bio
- And yes, you can include relevant links in your article.
Nervous? Don’t be!
You’d be surprised how useful others will find your work. Consider how hard it was for you find help & examples.
Also, I generally make minor edits to articles to make them more blog-like, and I’ll add in gifs if you didn’t have many images.
I don’t think I’ve ever had to make more edits, but if I will look over stuff & offer advice before I publish it.
If you have any other questions or want to ‘talk’ stuff out, please email me at
I can’t wait to see what you share!
Sponsored Posts
If you’re interested in a paid or sponsored posts, it is $100 per post and I still:
- Use ‘nofollow’ links & other best practices
- Still expect your article to be of value to chambers of commerce
Please contact me at for questions or submissions.